Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.

The King’s Healing Touch

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I. Understanding Brokenness:

Scripture: Psalm 34:18 (KJV) – “The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.”

A. Recognition of Brokenness:

  • We all encounter seasons of brokenness โ€“ moments of pain, loss, or despair.
  • The Bible acknowledges this reality and assures us that our King is near to the brokenhearted.

B. Contrite Spirits:

  • A contrite spirit is one that is humble, repentant, and open to God’s healing touch.
  • The brokenhearted find solace in knowing that the King not only draws near but also saves those with contrite spirits.

II. The King’s Prophetic Promise:

Scripture: Isaiah 61:1 (KJV) – “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.”

A. Jesus, the Anointed One:

  • This verse prophesies the ministry of Jesus, the embodiment of the King’s compassion.
  • His mission includes binding up the brokenhearted, proclaiming liberty, and offering freedom to the captives.

B. Practical Implications:

  • As followers of Christ, we are called to emulate His compassion.
  • Our ministries should include reaching out to the broken, proclaiming freedom, and offering hope to those in spiritual captivity.

III. Reflecting the King’s Heart:

Scripture: 1 John 4:12 (KJV) – “No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.”

A. The Invisible God Made Visible:

  • Though no one has seen God, His love becomes tangible through our love for one another.
  • By extending compassion to the brokenhearted, we manifest the presence and love of our King.

B. Practical Application:

  • Look for opportunities to comfort, encourage, and uplift those experiencing brokenness.
  • Our actions should be a reflection of the King’s heart, bringing healing and hope to a hurting world.


In closing, let us carry the profound truth that the King cares for the brokenhearted into our daily lives. May we, as vessels of His love, actively engage in binding up wounds, proclaiming freedom, and reflecting the compassionate heart of our King in a world in need.

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