Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.

The Vehicle of Faith

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-Evang. Timilehin Fasuan:

“Faith is Godโ€™s automated vehicle that transports answers from the spirit realm to the physical realm. The greater your faith, the bigger your vehicle; the bigger your vehicle, the more answers you can transport. Continually fuel your vehicle with prayers and scriptures.

In Hebrews 11:1, the Word of God defines faith as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Let us unravel the rich teachings encapsulated in this verse.

  1. Faith as Substance:
  • Faith is not a mere abstract concept; it is the substance of our hopes. Imagine faith as the tangible material that gives solidity to our dreams and expectations.
  • When we place our trust in God, our faith becomes the groundwork on which the promises of God stand. It is the firm foundation that supports the weight of our expectations.
  1. Faith as Evidence:
  • Faith is the evidence of things not seen. In a world that often demands visible proof, our faith becomes the testimony of our confidence in God’s promises.
  • Just as a vehicle leaves behind tracks, our faith leaves a trail of evidence in our lives โ€“ a testament to our unwavering belief in the unseen hand of God working on our behalf.
  1. The Journey of Faith:
  • Faith is not a stationary state; it is a dynamic force that propels us forward on our journey with God. It’s the vehicle that takes us from where we are to where God wants us to be.
  • Abraham, the father of faith, embarked on a journey not knowing his destination but trusting in the One who called him. Likewise, our faith takes us on a journey of discovery, dependence, and divine encounters.
  1. Overcoming Obstacles:
  • The road of faith is not always smooth, but it is through faith that we overcome obstacles. Faith doesn’t deny the existence of challenges; rather, it sees beyond them to the victory that lies ahead.
  • As we navigate the twists and turns of life, our faith serves as the driving force that conquers fear, doubt, and adversity.
  1. The Destination of Faith:
  • Ultimately, the destination of our faith is the fulfillment of God’s promises. Just as a vehicle reaches its intended endpoint, our faith leads us to the realization of the blessings God has in store for us.
  • Hebrews 11 goes on to recount the triumphs of those who walked by faith, attaining the promises of God. Their stories inspire us to persevere in our own journey of faith.

Let us recognize and embrace faith as the vehicle that carries us toward the fulfillment of God’s promises. May we navigate the journey of life with unwavering trust in the One who is faithful to His Word. As we travel on the road of faith, may our lives bear witness to the substance and evidence of the unseen, making manifest the glory of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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