Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.

The Shield of Sanctuary

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-Timilehin Fasuan

God’s words are His vows. He doesn’t make a vow or promise He won’t fulfill; therefore, hold Him to His words. Inasmuch as that shield of faith is active, you are untouchable. The shield is not just a defense weapon; it can also serve as a sanctuary, a tower, a stronghold of defense. It is an unbreachable, unbreakable, and unconquerable safehouse where you can stay in safety in times of trouble.

The enemy will try to intimidate you into doubting, the trouble may tarry, your pain may linger, and you begin to wonder if it was a good idea to gamble your safety or help upon His words.

When you know that your God is an ever-faithful God, then what proof is there to doubt His words? As He will never change His nature, so also our minds must be at rest, never to doubt His words or promises.

Luke 21:33 Heavenย andย earthย shallย passย away: but my words shall notย passย away.

Isaiah 55:11 …”So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”

Even when facing death, with the trust that heaven and earth will pass away but not a dot in His words will go unfulfilled, then lock yourself in the faith safehouse of His words. His words are the greatest sanctuary that mankind can ever have, the promises of the Creator of heaven and earth.

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