Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.Please Note: CWD designs are evangelical designs that are free for distribution and explicitly not to be sold. They are available to both believers and non-believers.

Our Weapons

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-Timilehin Fasuan

Many people call God only when they’re in trouble, despite knowing the Lord for a long time. A narrative: Only a child would call their father when they see a snake, but when an adult child sees a snake, they go for their weapon to destroy it. The weapon is the authority given to us by our Father, and we can use it anytime we’re in trouble.

Luke 10:19 says, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

When I was a child, I used to look up to my mom to cook for me, but when I grew older, I learned to cook for myself with the same resources she provided. When the resources are already available, you can cook the same thing your parent cooks without always calling them to do it. You’re doing it in their place.

In the Old Testament, the prophets were not children of God, adopted into priesthood by the blood of Jesus. They had a different authority that was controlled and directed only by God’s instructions. But now, as children of God, we have the authority through the Holy Spirit to speak life into anything we want and to destroy anything we want. When a Christian knows for sure who they are as a child of God, they will exercise their authority over every situation by their command and words.

Many say, “I speak, but nothing happens.” Yes, nothing will happen because you haven’t been speaking with authority for a long time. Authority takes time to be recognized and grounded or founded. When you don’t use it, you get rusty at using it, and it becomes blunt (not sharp). No blunt sword can cut a demon in the spirit realm. You have to sharpen it by using it more and by learning and knowing more words and authority of God.

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